D35S / D35SST Fan Powered VAV


The D35S Series offers superior acoustic performance and numerous standard design features when contrasted with other basic model designs. The D35S is well-suited to the majority of applications due to its compact and cost-effective design.

Fan terminals are configured for series flow, featuring a fan motor and VAV damper to modulate primary air. The fan runs constantly when the zone is occupied, boosting both induced and primary air. The inlet static pressure only needs to overcome the damper loss (less than 12 Pa with Advanced Air terminals).

These terminals mix primary and induced air to provide constant or variable airflow to the occupied zone. In areas with high diversity, such as meeting rooms, fan-assisted terminals ensure proper air distribution and occupant comfort while varying primary supply air.

The D35SST terminal unit incorporates “Stealth” technology to provide industry-leading low noise levels.

For more information, please contact our specialists.


  • Pressure independent control
  • External static pressure – 100Pa
  • Multi-point averaging sensor
  • Energy saving EPIC control technology
  • Low noise levels
  • Constant or variable control through BMS